The purpose of the department
The purpose of the department is to produce statistical data on:
- International passenger traffic
- Road traffic
- Water traffic and transport
- Air traffic and transport
- Communication
Data collection:
The majority of the data collection is based on the use of secondary data from external sources. These data sources are contacted yearly, by telephone and in writing.
The measuring points for INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER TRAFFIC, i.e. passenger traffic between Suriname and the rest of the world, are:
- Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport
- The border posts at South Drain in the district of Nickerie and the ferry landing at Albina in the district of Marowijne
- Zorg and Hoop Airport
Data collection regarding Road Traffic information measures the number of motorcycles and vehicles on public roads, among other things. The data is compiled based on -the number of motorcycles and vehicles insured. In addition, the numbers of approved motorcycles and vehicles offered for testing are also measured. The measuring points for this are the insurance companies and the inspection locations where the motorcycles and vehicles are offered for inspection.
Data on WATER TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT is established by measuring international shipping. The statistics collected concern the ships piloted into harbours.
Statistics on AIR TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT relate to international air traffic.
Statistics on COMMUNICATION include figures on the following indicators:
– numbers of mobile and fixed telephone connections
– the quantities of letters sent and received by air mail
– broadcasting and television stations by frequency / channel and district
The aim (planning) is for the Traffic and Transport Statistics department to publish the similarly named publication in odd years. In addition to its regular activities, the department is closely involved in GBS projects (MICS, CENSUS, Household Budget Survey, Business Census, Tourism Surveys), while working continually on the enriching and transferring of knowledge.
Contact information of the department:
Head of the department: Ms Defny A. Geldorp BSc
Tel.: +597 473737 / 236
Relevant links:
• Indicators of the publication