The Cartography Unit resides under the department of Household surveys.
The Unit is continuously updating (continuous process) the (basic) map of Suriname with the help of G.P.S waypoint registrations, Satellite photos (Bing map aerial) and information from various field inspections.
The Unit is also responsible for map production and offers support to various surveys of the ABS (Census, Household Budget Surveys, continuous Household surveys, Company counting) and helps with the screening / correction of samples as well as advising third parties, when it comes to Geographic (logistics) matters.
At the Cartography Unit the ArcGIS program is used with different layers, such as:
- Country borders
- District borders (according to Decree C-17)
- Subdistrict “Ressort” borders (according to Decree A-26)
- Roads
- Rivers
- Buildings
- Enumeration block borders
- Official legal geographical formats and the data must meet the conditions of the WGS_1984_UTM_ZONE_21N coordinate system.
The MI-GLIS and GISSAT are some of the relevant stakeholders with whom the Unit has contact, where necessary.
In addition to regular work, the Unit is also intensively involved in ABS projects (MICS, CENSUS, Household Budget Research, Business Valuation) while working continually on the enriching and transferring of knowledge.