SURINFO/SurinameCensusInfo and SurinameEnvironmentInfo
Purpose of the DevInfo database:
DevInfo is short for Development Information; this database is the result of a collaborative effort by UNICEF and the UN. From 2019, there has been a transition from DevInfo to the Dataforall platform.
Unlike the well-known SPSS, Excel and CSPro, this system is not a data processing tool, nor does it serve as a replacement for these programmes. Its function is rather to give presentations using tables, graphs and maps.
In the above databases, data is stored in a structured manner and presented on line.
The different versions of DevInfo are:
- Childinfo 3.5 (1995-2003), UNICEF
- DevInfo 4.0 (2004)
- DevInfo 5.0 (2006)
- DevInfo 6.0 (2008)
- DevInfo 7.0 (2012-2018)
- Dataforall (2019-…..)
SurInfo: Database containing GBS data and MICS data.
SurinameCensusInfo: Database containing data from the Census publications of 2004 and 2012.
SurinameEnvironmentInfo: Database containing data from the Environment statistics publication.