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Environment Statistics

DateNRTitle Content LinkCategory 31/03/219e Milieu Statistieken Publicatie / 9th Environment Statistics PublicationClimate & Natural Disasters, Tourism, Transport, Health, Water, Energy & Minerals, Forestry, Fisheries, Land Use […]

Household Surveys in Suriname

DateNRTitleContent LinkCategory Tables of publication Households in Suriname 2015 -2018 (Word)Employment data, Employment distribution by Industry, Occupation and Sex, Unemployment rate, Number of households with access […]

Trade Statistics

DateNRTitleContentLinkCategory 17/07/20Trade Statistics 2016 – 2nd quarter 2019 (Publication PDF) Trade Balance, Quarterly Trade Balance, Exports, Re-Exports and Imports on a quarterly- and Annual base, by […]

Financial Statements Suriname

DateNRTitle Content LinkCategory Financial Statements 2020Financial Statements 2020downloadFinancial Statements Suriname Financial Statements 2011Financial Statements 2011downloadFinancial Statements Suriname Financial Statements 2013Financial Statements 2013downloadFinancial Statements Suriname Financial Statements […]

Census statistics 2004

DateNRTitleContentLinkCategory Publicatie Census 7, Volume 4 Huishoudens, Gezinnen & Woonverblijven downloadCensus statistics 2004 Publicatie Census 7, Volume 3 Fertiliteit en MortaliteitdownloadCensus statistics 2004 Publicatie Census 7, […]

Population Statistics

DateNRTitleContent LinkCategory 12/05/21Demographic Data 2017 - 2019 (Tables)Population data, Vital Statistics, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Maternal Mortality, Infant Mortality, Age Specific Death Rate, Under 5 mortality […]

Data Availability Matrix

Datum No. Statistics / Data Responsible entity (entities) Available until Expected or committed data availability Note 1 Births / deaths Civil Registry Office 2019 Dependent on […]

Financiele Nota’s Suriname

DatumNRTitelInhoudLinkCategorie 28/05/24Financieel Jaarplan 2024Financieel Jaarplan 2024downloadFinanciele Nota's Suriname 28/05/24Financieel Jaarplan 2023Financieel Jaarplan 2023downloadFinanciele Nota's Suriname 06/09/23Financieel Jaarplan 2022Financieel Jaarplan 2022downloadFinanciele Nota's Suriname Financiële Nota 2021Financiële Nota […]

Verkeers -en Vervoerstatistieken

DatumNRTitelInhoudLinkCategorie 11/07/23Verkeers- en Vervoersstatistieken 2018-2021 (Publicatie)Internationale personenverkeer, Wegverkeer, Waterverkeer en – transport, Luchtverkeer en – transport, Communicatie, Ingevoerde- en Uitgevoerde Vracht downloadVerkeers -en Vervoerstatistieken  02/02/22Verkeers- en […]